Open parent-child meetings in the Frankfurt family network

Project info

Family network in the district – Open parent-child meetings in Riedberg, Seckbach and Bornheim

Project sponsor: Der Kinderschutzbund Bezirksverband Frankfurt am Main (translated: Child Protection League)

KSB Frankfurt founded in 1954

The first parent-child meeting place, Blauer Elefant, opened in Bornheim in 2004; the meeting places in the other districts opened between 2017 and 2023

3 full-time employees, 16 volunteers

Coordinator: Kerstin Lehr, graduate pedagogue, full-time employee at KSB

Locations: In Frankfurt’s Seckbach, Riedberg and Bornheim districts

Project: Equipping and maintaining the open parent-child meetings in the family network in the Seckbach, Riedberg and Bornheim neighborhoods

Our funding
Contribution to the cost of equipment (play and exercise materials, crawling mats, furniture) in the amount of 2500 €
Funding period: 2nd quarter 2023

The Family Network in the District is a cooperative project of the Kinderschutzbund Frankfurt and the Zentrum Familie/Haus der Volksarbeit e.V. and is funded by the City of Frankfurt. Together, the actors act according to the motto “We make ourselves strong for children and families in the district” and are committed to shaping a welcoming culture, designing family-friendly structures and informing parents at an early stage about services and support options in their district.

The open parent-child meetings are places for families close to home for exchange, networking and support. The above-mentioned parent-child meetings are run by the KSB.


The project operator

The Kinderschutzbund Frankfurt is currently the largest district association of the Deutscher Kinderschutzbund e.V. in Hessen.

It sees itself as a lobby for children and campaigns for the protection of children against violence, against child poverty and for the implementation of children’s rights in Germany.

The goal is a child-friendly society in which the intellectual, psychological, social and physical development of children and young people is promoted. In doing so, children and young people should be involved in all decisions, planning and measures that affect them.

The Kinderschutzbund Frankfurt has 50 full-time and part-time employees.

More than 200 volunteers support the employees in the individual offers. The association has 356 members.

Family network in the district – parent-child meetings in Bornheim, Riedberg and Seckbach

The Family Network in the District is a cooperative project of the Kinderschutzbund Frankfurt and the Zentrum Familie/Haus der Volksarbeit e.V. and is funded by the City of Frankfurt. Together, the participants are committed to shaping a welcoming culture, designing family-friendly structures and informing parents at an early stage about services and support options in their district.


The Open Parent-Child Meetings are places for families to network and exchange ideas with other families from their district in child-friendly surroundings and a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, other offers, such as regularly scheduled Midwifery Consultation, are integrated into the Open Meetings At the Open Meeting, families can obtain further information about family education services in their district.

The Kinderschutzbund Frankfurt is the sponsor of the family networks in the Riedberg and Seckbach districts and a cooperation partner of the family network in the Bornheim district.


Why we are committed to the project

We really like the welcome and networking culture close to home and low threshold in Frankfurt’s neighborhoods in this project. Several partners have come together to support families with young children at various levels. In the open parent-child meetings, stimulating play and movement materials invite children to discover and try things out.

Our employees and the volunteers in the meetings always have an open ear for the topics and concerns of the families in the district and can inform the families about further help offers and arrange contacts if necessary.

Kerstin Lehr, Project Coordinator Family Network in the District – KSB District Frankfurt


We are very happy to support this project and will continue to stay in contact with the Kinderschutzbund Bezirksverband Frankfurt.